Gladiator League

Live to fight another day

Gladiator Leaderboard

Top Gladiators sorted by current win streak; if you lose and the crowd does not love your performance, you start from 0. Play well or get out of the way.

Gladiator LoL Name Current Win Streak Wins Losses

Betting Leaderboard

Top bettors.

Bettor GP

Gladiator Manager Leaderboard

Gladiator Managers sorted by win-loss differential.

Gladiator Manager Wins Losses

Past Gladiator Exhibitions

Log of past featured games with replays, man-of-the-match, etc.

Chat Commands

Twitch channel chat commands.





League of Legends is a great game with a frustrating ranking experience; Gladiator League makes it better.

For Gladiators who want the inhouse feel and dislike losing rank when carrying heavy teams.

For Gladiator Managers who like fantasy leagues, scouting talent, and coaching teams.